Daeji is a mostly temperate planet orbiting 1 sun. It has 9 moons which reflect colorful light upon the land at night. It is covered in varying biomes, most of which are colorful and suffer from frightening weather conditions. Forests and jungles feature cyan, blue, and violet foliage and oversized fungi. Deserts feature red sands and towering mesa plateaus striped in various colors. Rivers feature sparkling "stardust". Expanses of towering spires resemble the bones of something massive and ancient.
Daeji has a tectonic plate system, and most of the planet is filled with molten, multicolored rock and magma. The center of the planet is made of an unknown, morphing, semi-solid substance which is believed to be the same substance Daejiin are made of.
Xaeviin, Rayins, and Bervain are native to Daeji and evolved there naturally. Daejiin are created artifically on Daeji by the gods Abriel, Absolune, and Abaddon, who named the planet after their species.
Before the creation of Daejiin, the planet was known as Xaevi. Most Xaeviin are now isolated from the rest of the world, and they now refer to their dangerous home continent as Xaevi.
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Daejiin | Dragons | Xaeviin | Reyins | Bervain |

A map of Daeji, excluding the continent Xaevi.

Click each continent name to learn more about it!
The northen half of this continent would be very hot, as it is located just south of the equator, but it has foliage with a property that absorbs excess heat, making it surprisingly comfortable year round. It features rolling moss-covered hills, dark violet fungal forests expanding for miles, massive cyan jungles of alien foliage, and uncountable forest creatures lurking behind impossibly massive trees.
Tabigat is the most heavily populated continent, and many large Daejiin settlements feature buildings constructed with wood and fungal material, hollowed out trees, and bridges between these, all draped in edible plants and berries. Many Daejiin find the Tabigaten forests to be a very relaxing and spiritually healing place.
Crystalline Jungle |
Tabigaten jungles range in color from cyan to blue to violet, with the occasional bright red or yellow fruit. The majority of the fruits are edible, and some more unusual plants feature a metallic or shimmery texture, translucent leaves, spiraling shapes, or reflect colors like a crystal. The colors here are overwhelmingly beautiful and highly saturated, and plants tend to grow alongside buildings built here. Heavy rainstorms happen in short bursts almost daily, and everything appears twice as shimmery and metallic when the sun returns. Crystalline jungles are home to many Reyins. |
Fungal Forests |
Deep blue and violet forests of towering mushrooms, often found in the western quadrants of Tabigat at the edges of jungles. Fungal forests appear dark and foreboding at first, until you see the massive amount of bioluminescent plants and fungi lighting up the region. These areas are especially beautiful at night. |
Mossy Hills |
Smooth rolling hills in the northern stretches of Tabigat stretch on for miles in all directions. They are blanketed in extremely soft, plush moss. The moss will not rub off and make a mess of your fur, and it offers enough cushion to jump into without injury. Daejiin settlements in this area don't feature buildings for sleep- the majority of citizens will sleep right on the ground. |
The Shades |
The shades are areas populated mostly by the second tallest tree species in Tabigat, interspersed with a few younger trees and mushrooms. The forest floor is very open, with very few ground plants due to the shadows cast by the canopy hundreds of feet above. These trees can reach up to 500ft (150m) tall, though most fall around the 400ft (120m) mark. Shades and fungal forests are often found in close proximity. |
Unzival |
Unzival is actually the capitol city of Tabigat, but it gets its own biome category as well due to its unusual location and features. Unzival is located in a massive valley surrounded by sheer white cliff faces on all sides, far below sea level. The valley can only be accessed through use of portals, flight, or descending a rocky spiralling staircase around the edges of the cliffs. The trees in the valley are so massive that they match the height of the canopy outside the valley. They are by far the tallest trees anywhere on Daeji and are thought to be tens of thousands of years old. |
Glass Jungle |
An exceedingly rare biome where every plant, tree, fungus, and fruit is transparent and glass-like, reflecting colorful light all around. Tiny clearings of glass plants can be found in crystalline jungles, but the only large glass jungle on Daeji is located on the island in the very center of Tabigat. |
Stardust Streams, Rivers, & Lakes |
Stardust is found everywhere on Daeji, but it is especially plentiful in Tabigat. A dark liquid with a glimmery property and glowing particles throughout, it is said to have healing properties. Many Daejiin come to Tabigat to bathe in stardust as a form of spiritual cleansing. |
Almost right in the center of Tabigat lies Unzival, a city that's absolutely massive but very easy to miss. It's built inside a humongous, deep hole in the earth, and the trees inside are so ancient that they grow to the same height as the rest of the jungle's canopy. This makes Unzival impossible to spot from above. The buildings are largely built from white bricks mined from the cliff walls, many bridges allowing the city to have multiple vertical levels, and stained glass windows. Some trees are so massive that they can be hollowed out and used as large, multi-level buildings without risk of them falling down. |
Unnamed Village
A tiny village located at the southern point of Tabigat. Travelers often pass through, but the population usually isn't any higher than 20 Daes at a time. This is the village Wyn, Remy, Hunter, Violaya, Zeke, and Zenikore live in. It is a clearing in the jungle centered with a massive, hollowed out tree with three levels for sleeping, keeping items, cooking, etc. The trees surrounding the clearing have small wooden buildings built into the sides of the trunks and are connected by bridges. Small stone dens line the sides of the clearing as well.
Stardust Storms |
The weather in Tabigat is usually calm and sunny with short bouts of rain. But thunderstorms occasionally pop up during the hotter seasons. The high concentration of stardust in Tabigat means that a lot of the rain that falls here shimmers and glows and causes anything it falls on to do the same. |

Kaziki is a northern continent featuring massive, rainbow-dappled, ribcage-like spires rising around Daejiin settlements. These serve as protection from the constant raging rain, hail, wind, and tornadoes. Gaping valleys lined with toothy spines are an ideal location for big cities, as are caves underneath mouth-like mountains. Traditional agriculture is difficult here, aside from the few plants and fungi willing to grow in clay, so shipments of soil and crops are often brought in from other continents.
Rib Spires |
Constructed out of the bones of ancient supermassive beings, most of these spires are now coated in a thick layer of clay (sometimes brightly colored), and some of them keep a rib-like appearance. These spires are found everywhere in Kaziki, come in many sizes, the biggest of which in the thousands of meters long. Cities are often built in the valleys between the ribs due to their shelter from the extreme weather. |
Clay Strata |
Colorful-striped clay cliffs near the border of Nevali. The majority of the slopes here are almost wave-shaped, with some drops steeper than 90 degrees. Areas extremely close to the border may feature red sand gathering in the valleys. |
Marble Plains |
The only flat area in Kaziki, the marble plains are located in the southwest. Black and gray clay flatlands that stretch on for miles. The only slopes in the soil are paths carved out by tornadoes. |
Skull Caverns |
Massive, deep caves that can extend hundreds of meters down into the earth. Many skull caverns feature tooth-like growths surrounding the entrance. While these caves offer the most shelter from the weather, they are also rather dark and ominous, and many feature species of kaiju exclusive to each cave, so cities built in skull caverns are always located near the surface.
Torn Shores |
The torn shores are found in northeastern Kaziki, where the land appears ripped to shred by massive clawmarks and nears the arctic circle. There is very little shelter from the blizzards here, plus the freezing cold, making it the most inhospitable area on the continent. Even the glaciers drifting through the northern seas appear ripped to pieces. |
Vizuraxi |
Known as the Coast of Light to the local inhabitants, Vizuraxi is Kaziki's gulf and is home to massive beaches of pitch black sand. Despite the fact that the gulf is experiencing a silent, endless lightning storm, swimming here is quite common, as the lightning is almost exclusively cloud-to-cloud. |
Lightning Storms |
Storms happen almost daily in most areas of Kaziki; the rolling thunder is just normal to its citizens. They are even more prevalent in Kaziki's gulf Vizuraxi, also known as the Coast of Light, which is particularly notable for its endless, silent storms of cloud-to-cloud lightning. Other regions of Kaziki are not so lucky, with lightning striking the ground multiple times per day. |
Tornadoes |
Despite the spiny landscape, the rough winds and near-daily supercell thunderstorms make tornadoes extremely common. They rarely last for more than a minute on the ground, as they're constantly broken up by the rib-like cliffsides. However, the sheer number of them does mean that cities are damaged occasionally. |
Hail Storms & Blizzards |
In the semi-northern regions of Kaziki, hail falls extremely often, sometimes every day. But in the furthest north reaches of all, blizzards are extremely common. Battered glaciers can be seen drifting through the sea. |
Nevali is one of the only Daejiin continents that is actually hot. Sitting right on the equator, it's blanketed in a thick layer of red sand with its high winds kicking up severe dust storms constantly. It also chills at night, making it difficult to travel in at any time of day.
While parts of the continent are flat, others shoot up in spires, mesas, plateaus, and archways of bright, warm colored clay, sand, and rock. The northeastern part of the continent is notably home to less sand, but features extremely high cliff plateaus carved out by rivers far below, while the southwest features boiling hot geysers.
Two cities in Nevali (Venjigate and Bexeron) are the only Daejiin-run settlements on the planet which are known to practice capitalism due to their harsh conditions and disconnect from the rest of the world. They are surrounded by massive walls to keep the dust out and the farmable soil in, and many Daes find themselves forced to work as farmers, builders, or monster hunters, due to the massive amount of feral beasts and kaiju on the continent.
The Vast Red |
A seemingly endless expanse of red sand, constantly buffeted by harsh winds, making it difficult to navigate. The red wasteland takes up much of central Nevali, especially around the cities Venjigate and Bexeron. Sandstorms are almost daily here, with very severe ones making travel completely impossible. Occasional plateaus and arches of red-brown stone and clay serve as temporary shelters or waymarkers. |
Great Plateaus |
The great plateaus are home to the city of Blackreach, a city built atop the orange plateaus towering high above the desert. These are carved between by rivers far below, and each plateau is connected by wooden bridges built by the citizens. The drops are so high that the rivers below seem blurry and fake from the top. Dragons must be available at all times to catch anyone who falls, hopefully before they hit the ground. |
Painted Arches |
On the east coast of Nevali lies countless rows of massive natural arches, eroded from the softer clay around them over thousands of years. The arches closer to the border with Kaziki are often dark and jagged, with spines of rock jutting out to sea. Those further in the southeast take on a colorful striped appearance. Underneath the arches, large round caverns are incredibly common, some being so complex that the rocks collapse under their own weight. |
Needle Points |
Located partially in Nevali and partially in Daeji, the needle points are towering spikes of dark black and brown rock. In the Nevali half of the biome, there is very little plant life, and the ground is coated in a thin layer of orange sand. In the Daeji half, sparse blue, purple, gray, and black plants and mushrooms sprout in the valleys along with dark gray soil. |
Fossilized Fungi |
Ancient, massive fossilized fungi larger than any living specimens found on Daeji today, these are located in southwest Nevali. While they can't easily be hollowed out and lived in like a living fungus stalk can, some small Daejiin towns are built on the top of the caps. This protects the inhabitants from most kaiju, but it also means the towns can only be accessed by climbing long flights of stairs and crossing many bridges between the caps, so dragons are often around to fly or open portals instead. |
Oases & the Sphynx Run River |
Small oases located randomly throughout Nevali are one of the only sources of water on the continent, aside from the Sphynx Run river. The river flows from the top of a large cliffside in central Nevali, down a rather beautiful waterfall, and enters the ocean all the way in the northeast as it passes between the plateaus of Blackreach. The river is named after the Riddler, a legendary sphynx-like creature who is said to live near the mid-section of the river. |
Geyser Plains |
The geyser plains are the only other source of water found in Nevali. Located in the southwest and along the border with Marathi, the geyser plains are bright orange yellow, and greenish heaps of clay shooting boiling water hundreds of meters into the air. The water settles in ponds in lower regions of this biome and often stays warm for a very long time, making these areas natural hot tubs. These are extremely useful for staying warm when the desert chills at night. |
Cloudy Valley |
A set of deep valleys located in northwestern Nevali, cloudy valleys are where dust tends to settle when a sandstorm ends. The clouds appear billowy and fluffy, but with the deep red hue of Nevaliin sands. Standing atop the edges of the valley, you can see the clouds stretching on for miles ahead. |
Dead Woods |
The dying remains of a large forest still sits along the northern border of Nevali, and wildfires here are common due to lightning strikes, as storms often drift down from Kaziki. The presence of the forest suggests this area was once lush. |
Blackreach |
Situated on the northeastern part of the continent on a set of towering plateaus surrounded by terrifying vertical drops. Bridges connect each section of the city, and dragons are available for recovery if any citizens happen to fall. Blackreach does not communicate with its two capitalist neighbors to the south, for its own safety, though it always accepts refugees escaping from those cities. Blackreach is also the only city on Daeji that utilizes airships for travel, most of which are built by Xorriyaddans. Flight is the only way to reach the city regardless- the plateaus are so high that building stairs would be futile. Ground-level posts staffed by dragons carry people in and out of the city. |
This city looks like a war base, with massive triple-layered walls protecting it from dust storms on all sides. It is one of the only cities on Daeji with something of a military, and guards are pacing around the walls at all times, looking out for monsters and travelers to rope in. It is the only Daejiin-run city that has individual houses instead of communal rest areas. It is extremely difficult to escape because of the massive amount of kaiju in the area. Workers are paid very little and made to live in very small buildings, but if they do manage to escape the city, the promise of a better life in Blackreach awaits. |
Bexeron |
This city is southwest of Venjigate, and has slightly better livelihood. Rather than a harsh ruling class and a helpless working class, Bexeron's working class has realized it has power over the ruling class. As of yet, it has not rebelled, but in dire times, workers will break into upper class homes, take enough supplies to defend for themselves, and venture out in search of a better life. Thus, the population of Bexeron is always decreasing. |
Drought |
Not really considered a weather event, as it's just the norm in the desert. It only rains once or twice a wheel in most areas of Nevali. Even in the dead woods where lightning is common, these storms are usually dry. Tropical storms cause rain more often on the east coast, but for most of the continent, drought is a near-constant experience. |
Sandstorms/Duststorms |
Being mostly dry, sandstorms are the most common weather event in Nevali. Dry thunderstorms and windstorms whip up sand that will travel across the continent for long distances, buffeting city walls, temporarily blinding travelers, and in worst case scenarios, collapsing walls and homes. |
Tornadoes |
Tornadoes in Nevali are rare due to the heat and dry air, but may occur in flatter regions. These are generally small and occur in groups, and most of the damage comes from the funnels sucking up hundreds of tons of sand, giving Nevaliin tornadoes an eerie red hue. These storms are usually accompanied by silent heat lightning. |
Wildfires & Fire Whirls |
In the dying forests of nothern Nevali, wildfires are common due to lightning strikes. Small tornadoes are much more common as one approaches the Kazikiin border, and these often pick up the fire and spread it further. |
The Riddler |
The Riddler is actually an anomalous entity that effects the weather in a small region of desert. If one gets lost by the river in central Nevali, they may appear in Sphynx Run, a location in which the sky and weather patterns suddenly change to look exactly like Earth. It is said a creature known as the Riddler can be encountered here. This location can only be found once per individual, and it will disappear after waking up in the morning. |

It's hard to tell the water from the ground here. Marathi is mostly temperate expanses of clear blue water patched with teal fields of moss, sand, and foliage, stretching for miles in every direction. Spotted by some unusual trees, swamps, prairies and cliffsides. Some areas are just slightly damp, while others are constantly under a few feet of water. Most of Daeji's agriculture is done in Marathi, especially crops that require submersion or a lot of water. Many areas of Marathi resemble layered rice fields of various colors, though the plants grown here are alien.
Marsh Sea |
An open plain of sand, moss, and aquatic grass, covered with 1 to 3 feet of water at all times. Marsh seas are located around the edges of the continent (noted by the blue tinted areas on the map). These regions are wonderful for planting aquatic crops, as fresh water is filtered in during high tides. Marsh seas further inland are often more pond-like. They can also be made of stardust, or a mixture of stardust and water. |
Layered Hills |
These hills appear all over Marathi, like massive stairs resembling rice fields. They've been shaped this way artificially by hundreds of years of farming. Even though crops may not be grown on every single hill anymore, many of them retain their layered appearance. Each layer tends to feature a different crop, with drier crops planted near the top and submerged crops at the bottom, underneath increasingly deep pools of water. Unused hills may appear more wild and unruly. |
Salt Stretches |
The far western sea between Daeji and Marathi features the saltiest water on Daeji. Solid constructs of salt often become lodged on the Marathiin shores here, some forming large and beautiful archways and artistic shapes. The high concentration of salt in the sands makes the beaches sparkly and white. |
Rainbow Fields |
In central Marathi, beneath the great lake, lies the rainbow fields. Rolling hills with strange alien flowers covering every surface. Stepping on flowers is considered disrespectful, as many of the plants in this biome don't grow anywhere else on Daeji. So dragons and wing-gliders are often used for transportation over the land. |
Coral Reefs |
Off the southwestern border of Marathi, semi-aquatic alien corals grow both on the shore and in the water. Some are edible and can be gathered for food, while others are stinging and/or poisonous. In some regions, the coral grows all the way up the beach and into the grass. |
Crystal Shores |
Similar to the salt shores (but far less salty) the crystal shores are beaches where the sand is mixed with specks of crystal and sea glass. Sometimes this is collected by the local Daejiin and made into jewelry, but most of it is left alone to preserve the biome's beauty. The crystal shores are seen as one of the most romantic spots on Daeji. These shores take up much of southwestern Marathi, surrounding the coral reefs on either side. |
The Underhangs |
In southeastern Marathi, regular hurricanes cause rough seas that erode the land quickly. Semi-cylindrical towers featuring dozens of waterfalls loom over a sprawling arrangement of aquatic caves along the shores. These caves are usually smooth, lined by colorful, marbled teal stone, and many haven't yet been explored. The lower caves fill up when the tide is high; this isn't an issue for Daejiin or water dragons, but it makes a dangerous journey for any other species. |
The Empty |
The only part of Marathi that isn't wet is known as "the empty", located just south of the Nevaliin border. Just as described, it is a seemingly endless expanse of open prairie, covered only by plush teal grasses and small flowers. It is said to be one of the most frightening places on Daeji. The perfectly flat, featureless plain seems to have no predatory beasts, nor any small creatures or insects. Nothing seems to live here at all aside from the plants; there's something deeply unnatural about it. |
Poison Mangrove |
Located in the northeastern tip of the continent are the poison mangroves, featuring sprawling white trees jutting out of lakes of various toxic fluids. The most populous of these are crux and vice.
Crux is an extremely thick, swirling purple-brown substance with a texture similar to syrup. It is generally too thick to permeate crops, and is only dangerous if ingested directly. Some creatures will even bathe in Crux, claiming it helps with fatigue, as long as it’s kept out of any orifices.
Vice, on the other hand, is a very runny clear liquid with glints of color. It causes temporary paralysis and dizziness if ingested in small amounts, and can kill most Bervain and Rayins if it seeps into crops. Nature dragons are superb at detecting and removing toxins, so they are often hired in Marathiin farms to make sure crops are clean of vice. |
Hurricanes |
Hurricanes on Daeji form in the hot waters off the east coast of Nevali. They can move straight and go towards Xaevi, or turn north and dissipate before reaching Aishuziki. But most commonly, they move southwest towards Marathi. Hurricanes on the east coast are a constant threat, alongside the poison mangroves. Hence why much more farming is done in the west. Most hurricanes will have weakened by the time they reach the western part of Marathi. |
Waterspouts |
Tornadoes form commonly on the right half of hurricanes. They often form overseas or over the shallow pools covering Marathi. These waterspouts can travel on the ground for up to a half hour through the flat expanses of wetland. Not all waterspouts form during a hurricane, and some pass peacefully through the ocean without ever making landfall. |
Floods |
Many areas of Marathi flood regularly with the tides. Most floods are not disastrous or unpredictable, but a welcome part of life in Marathi. Most cities are built waterproof with furniture secured to the floor, so that Daejiin can continue living comfortably underwater during particularly high flooding. However, it is possible for tropical storms to cause unpredictable or violent flooding, and these can uproot crops. |
Tsunamis |
The constantly quaking ground of Xyndrycu often causes tsunamis to form, moving up towards southern Marathi. Many of these crash down on the countless sandbanks, but the ones that are large enough to reach farmland can cause mass destruction and loss of food. |

Kaziki is a northern continent featuring massive, rainbow-dappled, ribcage-like spires rising around Daejiin settlements. These serve as protection from the constant raging rain, hail, wind, and tornadoes. Gaping valleys lined with toothy spines are an ideal location for big cities, as are caves underneath mouth-like mountains. Traditional agriculture is difficult here, aside from the few plants and fungi willing to grow in clay, so shipments of soil and crops are often brought in from other continents.
Kaziki is the site of an ancient battle between sentient species of supermassive kaiju whose bones decayed into an unusual type of clay mountains.
Rib Spires |
Arguably constructed out of the bones of ancient supermassive beings, most of these spires are now coated in a thick layer of clay (sometimes brightly colored), and some of them keep a rib-like appearance. These spires are found everywhere in Kaziki, and come in many sizes, the biggest of which in the dozens of miles. Cities are often built in the valleys between the ribs due to their shelter from the extreme weather. |
Clay Strata |
Colorful-striped clay cliffs near the border of Nevali. The majority of the slopes here are almost wave-shaped, with drops steeper than 90 degrees, and areas extremely close to the border may feature red sand gathering in the valleys. |
Marble Plains |
The only flat area in Kaziki, the marble plains are located in the southwest. Black and gray clay flatlands that stretch on for miles. The only slopes in the soil are paths carved out by tornadoes. |
Skull Caverns |
Massive, deep caves that can extend hundreds of meters down into the earth. Many skull caverns feature tooth-like growths surrounding the entrance. While these caves offer the most shelter from the weather, they are also rather dark and ominous, and many feature species of kaiju exclusive to each cave. Cities built in skull caverns are always located near the surface.
Torn Shores |
In northeastern Kaziki, where the land appears ripped to shred by massive clawmarks and nears the arctic circle, lies the torn shores. There is very little shelter from the blizzards here, making it the most inhospitable area on the continent. Even the glaciers drifting through the northern seas appear ripped to pieces. in areas where the snow does not fall constantly, the clay is dark black and ominous. |
Vizuraxi |
Known as the Coast of Light to the local inhabitants, Vizuraxi is Kaziki's gulf, and is home to massive beaches of pitch black sand. Despite the fact that the gulf is experiencing a silent, endless lightning storm, swimming here is quite common, as the lightning is almost entirely cloud-to-cloud. |
Lightning Storms |
Storms happen almost daily in most areas of Kaziki, and the rolling thunder is normal to its citizens. Kaziki's gulf Vizuraxi, also known as the Coast of Light, is particularly notable for its endless, silent storms of cloud-to-cloud lightning. Other regions of Kaziki are not so lucky, with lightning striking the ground hundreds of times per day. |
Tornadoes |
Despite the spiny landscape, the rough winds and numerous supercell thunderstorms make tornadoes extremely common. They rarely last for more than a minute on the ground, as they're constantly broken up by the rib-like cliffsides. However, the sheer number of them does mean that cities are damaged occasionally. |
Hail Storms & Blizzards |
In the semi-northern regions of Kaziki, hail falls extremely often, sometimes every day. But in the furthest north reaches of all, blizzards are extremely common. Battered glaciers can be seen drifting through the sea. |