What is Ezamire/when was it created?
"Ezamire" is an entire universe. It has its own set of physics and laws of reality, and it contains billions of planets, some of which hold intelligent life. This site details the planets I'm currently developing and the species that live on them. It will eventually also contain all of my characters! I initially created Ezamire in 2014 and have been developing it ever since, but I have had some of the concepts for Ezamire in my head (such as a society of dragons) since I was as young as 6!
Can I draw your characters?
Yes, please show me if you do! As for my shapeshifting characters, you're welcome to interpret them how you see fit! However, please respect their body types and skin tones.
Can I share this website or your art online?
Yes, but you MUST link to the index page. This is because the index page serves as a content warning for the entire site. I want people to be prepared for what they will see here! As for my art, you can find all of it on my FurAffinity page, so there's no need to repost it anywhere else, but you can if you really want to. Just credit me as Draconic Absurdism.
What's going on with the writing style? The tense/style/wording on the character pages is strange/inconsistent/imperfect.
Yes, it is! I'm not a writer, I'm a worldbuilder, so the way I tell my stories will not be fully "narrative" in the same way a book would be. When I tell a character's story, I will be jumping between more of an overview of certain parts of their life, and then getting more narrative only in places where it feels necessary. I see my characters as real, nuanced people whose lives are much deeper than what I can tell on this website, so there are many details that remain unwritten and will be explored more in art later on. I would love one day to commission other artists to illustrate important pieces of their stories that I might not be able to create myself.
Why do you spoil the "ending" to your characters' stories?
I don't :3 The ending to the war on Christophen is just one of many overarching storylines. It is now a few years in the past, and society on Earth is currently in the process of rebuilding and repairing itself without a capitalist system. There is much, much more to come.
How do you create a believable world?
Ultimately, the worldbuilding process is going to look different for everyone, but I always approach things from the perspective of a few core themes I want to push! For Daejiin, I wanted to illustrate a utopian society, most notably the fact that no society truly IS utopian. This is why I decided that Daejiin are nearly invincible, but have a few key weaknesses with symbolic and deeply personal meanings. I placed them in an exaggerated, extremely colorful world with almost cartoonish qualities to push a "too good to be true" narrative. Then I created dissenters, antagonists, and natural forces that make the world dangerous. You'll notice that Daejiin who have been raised on Earth view Daeji as a utopian society compared to Earth's pre-war dystopian-ness, and it is true that Daejiin living on Daeji have a higher quality of life, but again, Daeji is not truly a utopian world. For developing more niche biological details, honestly just check out real animal and human behaviors and social categories, and try moving them around a little. You'll be surprised what you can come up with! Most of all, take aspects from your life and inset them into your work. Your experiences are all yours, and your world is a mode of sharing those experiences with others.
Can I show you my OCs/worldbuilding ideas, or ask for writing advice?
Yes, I love hearing about other peoples' concepts, and I'd love to help out wherever I can! Just keep in mind I'm extremely busy, so I may not get back to you immediately! Also, I'm unfortunately not a very good reader, so I may not be able to read long narratives if you don't have an audio version available.
Can I make an OC of your species? Can I make/buy adoptables of your species?
My species are not "open" or "closed", nor will they ever be for sale. They are incredibly personal parts of myself, so please respect that I am not comfortable with strangers using something so dear to me! I can't control what you do, but please understand that it does make me uncomfortable. Especially do not make money off my work.
Can I use your species/planets in my own work?
Once again, I can't control what you do, but I am uncomfortable with strangers using or changing my personal creations without permission. However, I'm happy to collaborate with friends! Since portal transportation is possible in many regions of Ezamire, it's possible for our characters to interact and be friends (or enemies!)
Can I reference your art?
Yes, actually, I am totally fine with this! You are free to reference my art style, reference a specific piece, or even trace my art for practice WITH CREDIT! However, you cannot reference or trace pieces that were commissioned by somebody else, as that work is solely their property! Ultimately though, I am not a professional artist, so it's probably a better idea for you to reference real photos if you're trying to improve your art.
Your character reminds me of this other character/franchise!
As is the social nature of art! Everything is based on or similar to something, coincidentally or otherwise. If you're curious, my biggest inspirations are Bloodborne, Spyro the Dragon, and furry art & culture as a whole.