Check out Sphinxoid characters below, or scroll down for species lore and biology! Warning for nudity and cartoony gore ahead!
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Xeila |

A thick, oppressive atmosphere. The stench of rotting fungi permeating a sky so humid and toxic it could be mercury. And perhaps it was. No one can quite remember.
The violence seeped down through the ranks, tendriled beasts blotting out the sun with unfathomable mass, writhing with unending hunger, ensnaring all below. Less of a food chain and more like domination, watching at all times, paws sore from a neverending run to safety.
In a bind, there is only one way out: to shift. Those who change survive.
This is all that's left of the ancient texts. No other signs, no writings. A clear description of an alien world. So how did we get here? Where are we from? Not here, clearly. Who did we used to be? Not this, clearly. A woman with no origin story. You are loved and accepted where you are. The environment built itself around you, adapting to your arrival, giving you the space to bloom, but will you? Or will the tendriled beast follow you home?

Sphinxoids are nomoadic cat taur women, and the only taur on Pyrexia who are capable of shapeshifting the number of limbs they have. They are true omnivores and must eat massive amounts of food to keep up the energy to be able to shapeshift. Individuals that rarely shapeshift should eat an average of 10 pounds of food per day to thrive, but individuals that shapeshift often may need to eat up to 15 pounds per day.
Common meals include meat from land and sea animals of all sizes, seasoned and sauced with fungi, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and soft minerals.

The three forms of Sphinxoids. They can shift between these freely, though it takes a large amount of energy to do so, which can leave the individual winded and tired.
Various examples of Sphinxoid heads and paws. Note the heavily wrinkled snouts, and the presence of pressure-detecting divots on the eyebrows/forehead, used for predicting weather. Their fur tends to be warm colors and/or greens, commonly seen with various tabby and striping patterns, spots, rosettes, point markings, patches, etc. They sometimes have manes or hair that have various fur-like or plant-like textures.

Multitaurs have multiple sets of pec muscles to support their additional limbs. Sometimes these are hidden under layers of fur and skin, but sometimes they are more noticeable. Multiple nipples are possible, but the additional breasts will always be mostly flat, so as not to hinder movement.
In addition to fur and hair, Sphinxoids can grow flowers, stems, vines, and small fruits and berries on their manes. These are edible, and some taste quite good on their own or as part of a meal!

Sphinxoids are mostly animal but share characteristsics from plants and fungi. Their fur cells look and perform like a mix between an animal and plant cell. They have thin cell walls, a small vacuole, and an alien equivalent to chlorophyll, which allows their fur to absorb energy from the sunlight in addition to getting energy from food.
Sphinxoid internal organs are surounded by strong fibrous walls and capable of movement within the body without discomfort or injury, which allows the organs to move as needed when changing forms. The bones, blood, flesh, and muscle tend to all match in color and glisten, and the bare skin and flesh will have a soft fibrous texture which can vary like those of plants.

A Sphinxoid's monochromatic mouth. Also note that Sphinxoids have a set of "probes" on each side of the lower lip, as well as a spiked tongue. These spikes are bendable but firm, and grooming between friends and polycules is common.
Sphinxoid hind legs have a zig-zagging bend, large feet, and a rectangular set of muscles around the tarsals that assist the limbs in bouncing back into place while walking. These traits also assist in supporting the lower spine while in taur form, but still allowing ample flexibility and movement.

While the exact location of Sphinxoid organs varies between forms and body length, Sphinxoids are approximated to have their internal organs placed in these locations.
Because Sphinxoids eat so much they are nomadic and must move to a new area after a couple weeks, or else they would destroy the balance of the ecosystem in a given area. They must give a region time to regrow from their incredible amounts of hunting and gathering. They are quick to get restless and prefer to be moving around for most of the day, and are capable of walking without rest for up to 10 hours, as long as they are eating and walking simultaneously.
Due to the amount they must eat per day, Sphinxoids often multitask, eating at the same time they do other things. Hobbies, walking around, lounging, and other activities are usually accompanied by large bowls of food.
Larger packs will sometimes build or commission pottery wheels from those adept in engineering. Pottery is an incredibly important skill as clay is abundant in Pyrexian soil, and having plenty of bowls helps fulfill the need for constant eating. Excess bowls are often left behind for future packs to find, clean, and use.

Because they are constantly traveling, Sphinxoids are adept at setting up temporary villages using materials carried on wagons and local resources. Adaptable blueprints exist for temporary supply tents, shelters, cooking fires, skinning racks for prey, and decorations.
Pack elders are highly revered, and their wisdom is trusted on most important matters. However, young Sphinxoids aren't afraid to call out elders for being unwilling to adapt to new trends and changes. Other than this, most packs do not have a centralized government or leadership position, taking on the form of a social circle rather than a town or city.

Sphinxoids names lengthen as they discover themself, make achievements, and progress through the stages of life. Name lenghtenings for children and teens are decided on by the elders in a pack, but Sphinxoids permitted to reject a name they are given if they feel it does not suit them.
Sphinxoid children are given one syllable names such as Zu, Rey, Ket, or Li. During childhood, they are allowed to play, and are taught the very basics of survival. Their voice boxes do not develop until they are 8 years old, so they communicate to adults in their pack using sign.
Once they reach 8 years old and develop their ability to speak, they enter the training stage, and a second syllable is added to their name. (for example Zula, Reyki, Ketim, or Liel). This syllable is chosen based on personality and will be derived from adjectives in the Pyrexian language. Sphinxoids of this age begin more focused training in various subjects such as hunting methods, plant & fungi identification, fishing, making tools and weapons, sewing & tailoring, skinning & preparing prey, cooking, the arts, navigation & tracking, cartography, and behavior & psychology. Sphinxoids of this age often express themselves loudly and identify with unusual styles & behaviors. Basically, they're entering their rebellious stage!
At 20, a Sphinxoid's training is complete and they are considered full-grown adults. By this time, they will have chosen a couple skills they are the most passionate about and adept in. A third and sometimes fourth syllable will be added that describes their talents or abilities. (for example Zularoy, Reykian, Ketimba, Lielfid).
Adult Sphinxoids (ages 20-100) sometimes leave their pack and wander until they find a new one, contributing to any new packs they join using their trained skills. From here on out, new syllables will be added after important life events, such as finding a new pack or a new relationship. A group of best friends or romantic lovers will add a new matching syllable to all of their names to symbolize their lifelong commitment. A long and arduous journey where the individual discovered something important about the world or themself is another common trigger for adding syllables. On the other hand, a Sphinxoid may add a syllable related to a concept or object which they are very attached to. Syllables added in adulthood are self-decided and do not require the approval of an elder.
In the event of a job switch, a breakup, the death of a loved one, or another devastating event that reverses the progress a Sphinxoid has made, they may remove the syllable related to that event. Name shortenings entail social changes, such as providing the affected Sphinxoid food and amenities first, and increased emotional support. Elders will often provide the victim with handmade jewelry. Upon their beginning to feel better, a drug-free party will be hosted in honor of their emotional strength. While hallucinogens & relaxing drugs aren't uncommon at most parties, recovery parties in particular are kept drug-free in respect for the victim's emotional state. Drugs used for medical purposes are of course exempt from this rule.
When a Sphinxoid turns 250 years old, they are considered an elder and will give themselves two or three new syllables that represent the most important lessons they learned over the course of their lives. By this age, their names can be many syllables long (for example Zolaroyizivaniamiga, Reykianomitesheximail, Ketimbalixialion, Lielfidevanonicalicay), so some elders will just go by their life lesson syllables as a nickname. (so those names would be shortened to Iamiga, Sheximail, Xialion, and Calicay).

Within the last ten thousand years, Sphinxoids have changed significantly. Ancient Sphinxoids were higher contrast and less saturated in color, and shared more traits with fungi than with plants, often growing fungi along the sides of their bodies. Their heads were more ovular in shape, and their bodies were broad and heavily muscled, well-suited for climbing along narrow cliffsides. These drastic changes in such a short amount of time suggest that Sphinxoids were not originally suited to life on the very flat and open Pyrexia.
What is the benefit to being able to shapeshift when it requires so much energy? Why is this ability not shared with any other Pyrexian taurs? Why does Sphinxoid written history only go back ten thousand years, while other Pyrexian taurs have recorded historical artifacts as far back as fifty thousand? Pyrexian historians believe that Sphinxoids were an alien arrival on Pyrexia. From where and through which method they traveled here, they do not know.
No evidence of war or strife exists between Sphinxoids and other Pyrexians, but siginificant changes in the way the ecosystem regrows and functions suggest that the planet adapted shockingly quickly to the high-energy needs of the new arrivals.
Other Pyrexian taurs have uncovered literature that details early trade and interaction between Sphinxoids and themselves, but no direct evidence yet of how they arrived on the planet.

Discussion of sex & genitals under the drop-down menu
Sphinxoids can have many biological mothers. Their bodies can hold the DNA of all of their sexual partners. Being almost exclusively polyamorous, Sphinxoids tend to have 1 to 5 members in an open, but tight-knit, polycule. The foundation of a successful Sphinxoid relationship is best friendship, so large polycules of young adult Sphinxoids are often renowned within packs for being potential mischief makers.
Pyrexian species possess both sex organs, but cannot self-fertilize. There are two possible configurations: the inseminator organ can be located either in front of OR behind the vaginal opening. Genitals are plant-like in appearance, and the inseminator organ is small and bulbous, while the vagina is leafy and intricate, capable of sucking the inseminator rather than requiring thrusting motions. When unaroused, the inseminator organ is stored inside a genital slit, and it emerges like a blossoming plant during arousal.
The two genital placement variants allow both partners to be penetrated simultaneously, using missionary pose if the couple involves opposite variants, or reverse cowgirl if the couple involves two of the same variant.
(NSFW; Requires a FurAffinity account to view, but I'm hoping to move the image source somewhere else later on)
DO NOT draw NSFW art of Sphinxoids in their quad/animal-like form. That form is primarily used for hunting & stealth. I will literally wreck your shit.

Sphinxoids are not technically women or lesbians, as Pyrexians don't identify with gender labels. But they are so lesbians to me.
Sphinxoid elders are prone to back pain, especially in taur form, and are thus more likely to spend most of their time in quad form.